
I work with handmade photobooks, where photography, paper structures and text intertwine to create new sensory experiences. Below you find examples from:

“Gone Looking for Deer”

A sensory exploration of the forest and a journey into the mind. Developed during the Page Turner Workshop by paula roush and presented at Photobook Week Aarhus 2021. Selfpublished, please e-mail for purchase enquiry.

“Guide book”

for the art program “En tilstand der venter…” for Kunsthal Vejle 2021. A one-sheet-book mimicking old road maps, asking the audience to spatially engage in the art experience. Published in 1000 copies.

“Knæk Bryd Flyd”

“The Greenlandic Ice” is both a living condition for people in Greenland and a mental phenomena in the rest of the world - an image of a world in transition. Knæk Bryd Flyd is a photographic essay with photographs of different types of ice photographed in Greenland 2009-2018.




Photography & Art